Cooking Fever Cooking Studio,位於九龍觀塘,小班教學的烹飪教室,另外可包場舉辦各類型聚會、Party 或 Event。設有特大開放式廚房,你可以大展身手, 地點方便,環境寬敞舒適! Cooking Fever - Cooking Studio


觀塘, 香港(近 APM)


亞洲菜 2021.09.16

《紅棗木耳蒸雞》 Steam Chicken with Red Date and Dried Wood Ear Mushroom



這道養生的蒸餸?,可前一晚將雞件預先醃好和浸軟其他材料,放工後將材料放上碟?, 再放入電飯煲蒸熟,一道省時又健康的菜式。?


材料: (2-3人)

雞 1/4 隻 ( 已切件)

黑木耳 2塊

冬菇 3隻

紅棗 6-8粒



生抽 2湯匙

紹興酒 1湯匙

砂糖 1茶匙

麻油 2茶匙

生粉 1茶匙

胡椒粉 適量



Whole Chicken 1⁄4 (??? ?? ??????)

Dried Wood Ear Mushroom 2 pc

Dried Shiitake Mushroom 3 pc

Dried Red Dates 6-8 pc

Chopped Green Onion (as garnish)


Soy Sauce 2 tbsp

Shaoxing wine 1 tbsp

Sugar 1 tsp

Sesame Oil 2 tsp

Corn Starch 1 tsp

Pinch of White Pepper Powder


做法 Method:

  1. 冬菇加水浸至軟身

Soak dried shiitake mushroom into water until soften.

  1. 木耳加水浸軟

Soak Dried Wood Ear Mushroom with water until soften.

  1. 雞件加入醃料拌勻,醃20-30分鐘。

Combine the marinade with chicken, marinate for 20-30 minutes.

  1. 將紅棗浸至軟身,去核切半

Soak dried red dates with water until soften, halve and remove the pit.

  1. 冬菇去蒂切片,木耳切塊。

Remove the stems from shiitake mushrooms and cut into slices. Cut the Dried Wood Ear Mushroom into small pieces.

  1. 把冬菇、紅棗、木耳與雞肉拌勻。

Combine the chicken with shiitake mushrooms, red dates and Dried Wood Ear Mushroom.

  1. 平均鋪在碟上 , 放入蒸爐 100度蒸約15分鐘至雞件熟透

Place them on a plate, put into the steam over steam for 15 minutes over 100’C, until chicken is fully cooked.

  1. 最後撒上蔥花便可。

Garnish with chopped green. Serve hot.


✔Tips 冬菇和雲耳要確保浸透才能蒸得入味

Make sure the shiitake mushrooms and Dried Wood Ear Mushroom are fully rehydrated so they could absorb the sauce.

Hope you like my recipe, please tag me f you make it.




Recipe by : @celia723
? @food__labo


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